I want to welcome my first guest--Patricia PacJac Carroll
How did you start writing? How long have you been writing?
I started writing because of a column in the newspaper.
I didn’t agree with what they said and wrote a letter to the editor and the paper published it. And a star in waiting was born. LOL Suddenly I was in love with words and there power. I dabbled in articles and stories, but in 2006 I became serious when I decided to finish writing a book. And I did.
>Why do you write?
I write because there are stories inside me that are begging to come out. I love it. The process is so alive. And in these hard times I want my readers to come away with a refreshed realization that God does care and will see them through whatever problems they encounter.
What spiritual truths do you want to share in your writing?
I love stories of hope. No matter what the circumstances, God is bigger. He may not answer the way we would think He should, but we can count on Him. So all my stories center on hope.

Since the blog is Critter Chronicles, tell a story about your pet? Or it could be about an interesting encounter you had with an animal.
We have a papillon that is twice the normal size of his breed. He rules the house. Jacs is a bit snarky and can come up with such a snarly face. One day I decided to remind him of all the good things. Like scripture says – think on things that are good. So I came up with Jacs happy list. Mocha – the chocolate lab next store. And she is his puppy love, Petsmart, biscuits, pizza, toys. All the things he likes. The result is instant. He goes from a snarling junk yard dog look to the sweetest puppy face you’ve ever seen. And of course as I thought up this plan and I could feel the Lord tap me on the shoulder. So whenever I get a snarly face, I try and think up my happy list.
Patricia PacJac Carroll
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