I'd like to spend a little more time thanking moms. One day just doesn't seem like enough. I also going to ask several friends for their tributes.
As I said yesterday, my mother was a nurse. An army nurse. She was and is amazing. I love listening to her stories about when she was in the Army. When she joined, it wasn't a common occurrence. She tells a tale of when she was on the ward and bathing her patients, if she got a 'suggestive' comment from her patients, she'd stop, look them in the eye and say, "Would you say that to your mother? Your sister? Then don't say it to me." Now, once the guys knew they had to respect her, mother would walk across hot coals for her patients.
Mom had a heart as big as Texas. When she did public health nursing, at Christmas time she'd bake breads and take them to her patients. It might be the only gift they got.
She is someone I admire, like, and love.
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