Do you see this hole? There was a yellow tulip bulb in it before 'Jaws' dug it up and made off with my bulb. Who is Jaws? It's the squirrel that runs around my yard, digging in my planters and gnawing the bark off my trees.
Last year, we lost three major branches off our 25 year old trees. A certain squirrel had been chewing the bark off the limbs.
We've tried fox urine to scare away the little critter, but the thing with fox urine is that you have to change the plastic bottle once a month. Of course when I went to the hardware store and asked what I could put out to discouraged the squirrels, she showed me the bottle of fox urine. Who would've thought?
The rest of my spring bulbs are planted in the garden. Jaws doesn't bother those bulbs. He's too lazy to do that much work.